Code Sunrise Designs
Where beauty meets utility
Check in on your favorite series or upcoming project by code-sunrise

Chasse of Devotion
Fantasy, Romance
Alex Thash is the only one who knows that time is broken and it's left to her to find the one breaking it. Collecting the memories of her predecessors in time with the help of her neighbor and closest ally she starts to fall in love. But as magic unravels faster around her she has to wonder, is Nathaniel the one breaking reality?
Shadow Bloom
Fantasy, Romance
Avril travels to the capital to convince her Mage father to accept her into the family after a terrible debt puts her in trouble with a strange witch. If she can't talk her way into the aristocratic family that would rather pretend she doesn't exist than the she'll be forced to marry her debtor to avoid a curse.
Speculative Fiction, Satire
Ted just wants the bank to approve the loan for his bakery so he can quit his sales job when the software that runs the city glitches and thinks he's dead. Stuck waiting for paperwork to go to the right desk to resubnit him as a living person Ted has to figure out how to survive in a high tech world with no access to any of his resources.
Draft 2
Casket of Roses
Fantasy, Romance
Cora and Vian are sworn enemies, born on either side of the borders between the holy lands and the lichdom divided by mountains. They grudgingly work together to aide their own goals, trying to toe the line between duty to their nation, killing each other, and falling in love.
Developmental Edits

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